


Update to Notey

This is just a quick update to last week's post about Notey - command line notebook. I have made a few bug fixes and added two new features that I will discuss in this post.

If you have been following this blog then you will know that Notey is a python script for creating and maintaining a command-line notebook. Literally a set of notes that you can easily manipulate, search and edit. Think of it like Google Keep but running in a command line on your Raspberry Pi.


Suppose you are writing a note about Topic A. Inside the note, you may reference Topic B and Topic C. At this point you realise that you need to have a new page called 'Topic B' and 'Topic C' respectively.

It may be the case that as you are typing a note, you need to create a second page (or many pages) for example. If you were to type:

> append My pets include one |cat|, one |dog| and one |unicorn|.

Notey will dutifully create new pages called 'cat', 'dog' and 'unicorn' respectively. The pipe symbols will be removed automatically from the page description, so your page will read "My pets include one cat, one dog and one unicorn."


The comprehensive Notey help documentation that you know and love.

The new index feature of Notey allows you to generate an alphabetised index of all the words contained within your notes. The list shows the word and the pages in which that word exists. For example, if you know that you typed the words 'teenage', 'mutant', 'ninja' and 'turtle' somewhere in your notes, but you are not sure which notes, and indeed, how many other notes have the same information, then index will, well do what an index in a book does - shows you the page references for those words. 

You generate an index with the simple command:

> index

There are further options, for example, you can force Notey to NOT ignore the common stop words, such as 'and', 'she' and 'the'.

You can also force Notey to NOT ignore the shorter words in general (by default Notey will only list words of size four or above).

You can also create new pages on the fly. with the -c option, Notey will pause after each word and ask you whether you want to create a new page named as the current word, assuming it doesn't already exist.


I am still actively developing Notey, so no doubt it will change further over time. If you are interested in finding out more or want to download the python code or the Windows executable, then all is explained in my first blog post on the subject.

If you parachuted into this page from somewhere else on the web, but you like the cut of my jib, then you might like to stick around and read some more of my stuff. I can recommend:

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