I tried using AI, it amused me

 Yay! Artificial Intelligence has arrived! 

Well, actually it's been here a long time already. I am old enough to remember Eliza.

In a post that is likely to get old very quickly, here is a screenshot of a modern implementation of Eliza.

Perhaps, it is more precise to say that ChatGPT has arrived on Bing. Since the moment Microsoft informed me that I was one of the chosen ones, I've been having a play. It is likely that this post will age quicker than a supermarket strawberry, I thought I would show a few screenshots of the fun I have been having.

Let's start by checking out myself.

Not bad at all, Bing.

At work, I have been asked to write a Bio about Ada Nield Chew. Let's see what Bing can do...

Now I decided to write a poem about my beard.

That's about all for now, but maybe a follow-up soon. 

Oh, and check out this brilliant Tom Scott video.

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