Reverse Polish Notation Calculator in BBC BASIC for Windows

A BBC BASIC for Windows implementation of a simple RPN Calculator.  We've just finished version 1.01 and is available to download from here.

Reverse Polish notation is a parenthesis-free algebraic notation, known as post-fix notation.  We are all familiar with standard algebraic notation (or in-fix notation):

(1 + 2) * 3  < in-fix notation >

In RPN, this is expressed:

1 2 + 3  *  < post-fix notation >

The parentheses are used to avoid ambiguity over the order of operations (often taught as BODMAS in school).  For example, the first expression could be confused with the literal expression 1 + (2 * 3) which would give a different result.  Parentheses are not required in post-fix notation.  For example, 1 + ( 2 * 3 ) is expressed as:

1 2 3 * +