Daisy Dasiy

Daisy, Dasiy, give me your answer do...

      REM daisy dasiy give me your answer do...
      REM 16/10/2012
      MODE 12
      DELAY% = 10
        COLOUR 2+128 : CLS
        REM display some daisies on the screen
        FOR n% = 1 TO 20
          PROC_flower( RND(1500), RND(1500), RND(100)+20 )
          WAIT DELAY%
      DEFPROC_flower(x%, y%, size% )
      REM draws a flower at the coords x,y
      REM T G Street
      REM 16/10/2012
      LOCAL flowerRadius%
      LOCAL petalRadius%
      LOCAL border%       : border% = 5
      flowerRadius% = size%
      petalRadius% = 0.75 * flowerRadius%
      REM petals
      GCOL 0
      CIRCLE FILL x%,y%+flowerRadius%+petalRadius%/2, petalRadius%
      GCOL 7
      CIRCLE FILL x%,y%+flowerRadius%+petalRadius%/2, petalRadius% - border%
      GCOL 0
      CIRCLE FILL x%+flowerRadius%,y%+flowerRadius%, petalRadius%
      GCOL 7
      CIRCLE FILL x%+flowerRadius%,y%+flowerRadius%, petalRadius% - border%
      GCOL 0
      CIRCLE FILL x%+flowerRadius%+petalRadius%/2,y%, petalRadius%
      GCOL 7
      CIRCLE FILL x%+flowerRadius%+petalRadius%/2,y%, petalRadius% - border%
      GCOL 0
      CIRCLE FILL x%+flowerRadius%,y%-flowerRadius%, petalRadius%
      GCOL 7
      CIRCLE FILL x%+flowerRadius%,y%-flowerRadius%, petalRadius% - border%
      GCOL 0
      CIRCLE FILL x%,y%-flowerRadius%-petalRadius%/2, petalRadius%
      GCOL 7
      CIRCLE FILL x%,y%-flowerRadius%-petalRadius%/2, petalRadius% - border%
      GCOL 0
      CIRCLE FILL x%-flowerRadius%,y%-flowerRadius%, petalRadius%
      GCOL 7
      CIRCLE FILL x%-flowerRadius%,y%-flowerRadius%, petalRadius% - border%
      GCOL 0
      CIRCLE FILL x%-flowerRadius%-petalRadius%/2,y%, petalRadius%
      GCOL 7
      CIRCLE FILL x%-flowerRadius%-petalRadius%/2,y%, petalRadius% - border%
      GCOL 0
      CIRCLE FILL x%-flowerRadius%,y%+flowerRadius%, petalRadius%
      GCOL 7
      CIRCLE FILL x%-flowerRadius%,y%+flowerRadius%, petalRadius% - border%
      REM the head
      GCOL 0
      CIRCLE FILL x%,y%,flowerRadius%
      GCOL 3
      CIRCLE FILL x%,y%,flowerRadius% - border%