You get 8 guesses to find the secret number. Each time you guess correctly the game moves to a more complicated level, starting from 1-100, then 1-200, and then the more challenging 1-400 and 1-800. Good luck on the impossible 1-1600 and beyond levels.
# guess the numbers game
# by Mr Street
# 2015-10-24
import random
level = 1
gameOver = False
# this is the main loop
while not(gameOver):
# get a new random number
target = random.randint(1, 100*(2**(level-1)))
guesses = 0
guessedCorrect = False
#this is each level
while not(guessedCorrect) and guesses < 8:
print("\n\nLEVEL "+str(level))
print("Guess number "+str(guesses+1))
print("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and "+str(100*(2**(level-1)) )+" what is it?")
guess = int(input("? > ")) # my prompt
#check whether it is correct
if guess > target:
print("TOO HIGH!")
elif guess < target:
print("TOO LOW!")
guessedCorrect = True # set end of level flag
guesses += 1 # record number of guesses
# you reach this point by either running out of guesses or guessing correctly
if not(guessedCorrect):
print("\nYou have run out of guesses.")
print("\n\nNEXT LEVEL!\n\n")
level += 1 # increase the difficulty