If there was a programming language for Yorkshire

Being a typical Yorkshire lad, I do often struggle with the strict syntax of most modern scripting languages.  The solution is 'Ayup' - a programming language for Yorkshire folk.  It is powerful enough to quickly parse web pages when you are half way up to your neck in mud; need to run a regular expression when lost on Ilkley moor, and is easy enough to write even when you are steaming from an afternoon in the Dog and Ferret in Harrogate.

Starting a script in Ayup requires the shebang line:


This provides a path to your Ayup interpretter.

Writing 'Hello World' to the terminal is as simple as:

wri'aht("Ay up, World!")

It is useful to use a pragma to eliminate unsafe constructs in the dialect.  The following code demonstrates this.

use none o' thy nonsense
wri'aht("Ay up, World!")
cop aye

All scripts in Ayup return 'aye' (true).


Iteration can be performed in a number of ways.  Consider the following code fragments.

Displaying all the elements of a list:

use none o' thy nonsense
fer apiece o'these i' t' (ham):
wri'aht( thi' )
cop aye

Obtaining an iterator from an iterable list:

use none o' thy nonsense
fer peas in (ham):
wri'aht( peas )
cop aye

Repeating until a condition is met:

use none o' thy nonsense
#do something useful
keep buggerin' on until (<condition>)
cop aye


Boolean statements always evaluate as either 'Aye' or 'Nay' in Yorkshire.  Consider:

is (foo > nowt):
wri'aht("eeh by gum")
cop aye

Breaking out of a loop.  You can break out of any iteration simply with the pack it in statement.

use none o' thy nonsense
fer apiece o'these i' t' (ham):
wri'aht( thi' )
is (thi' is "peas"):
pack it in
cop aye

User defined functions

Functions are defined using the keyword mek.  Note the use of exception handling in this example.

use none o' thy nonsense
fram maths impoart random

mek addition( thi' ) wang ValueErrorException:
a = thi' plus t'random.randa(1)
cop a

wri'aht( addition(5) )

That's all for today.  Join us next time when we will look at object-oriented Yorkshire, and global (you're not from round here) variables.