Merry Christmas

Seasons greetings all!

Some new free gifts for you to enjoy.

New Reverse Polish  Calculator
New Little Man Computer
Source code for the unfinished Space Combat Game

Space Combat, an unfinished space strategy game, full source code provided. 

New improved Reverse Polish Notation calculator

New improved Reverse Polish Notation calculator

Announcing the latest version of the Superdecade Games RPN Calculator.  If you can contain your excitement, please visit the link below.

Visit the Downloads page for the full source code and executable version.

What's new in version 3?
* COPY command added.  Copies the accumulator to the Windows Clipboard.
* ACC ON/ACC OFF comands added.  Turning on forces the accumulator not to clear after a calculation.  The following result is added to the accumulator following each calculation.
* HEX/DEN/BIN/OCT commands added to switch between base 16, base 10, base 2 and base 8.
* LAST special variable added which stores the current value of the accumulator, allowing the previous result to be treated as a variable in proceeding calculations.
* INV function added.  Returns 1/x where x is the argument.
New Improved Little Man Computer

New Improved Little Man Computer

Following some user feedback with a class of students following the OCR GCSE Computing low-level programming module (A451), I have made the following improvements to the Little Man Computer Simulator:

LMC version

  • Scroll-bars have been added to the input window.
  • Lower-case input is accepted (the LMC is not case-sensitive, so 'y' and 'Y' are same label name).
  • Improved step-through mode (there is now time to click the mouse to halt the program)

Please follow this link to the DOWNLOADS page to update your version of the LMC Simulator.

Reverse Polish Notation Calculator in BBC BASIC for Windows

A BBC BASIC for Windows implementation of a simple RPN Calculator.  We've just finished version 1.01 and is available to download from here.

Reverse Polish notation is a parenthesis-free algebraic notation, known as post-fix notation.  We are all familiar with standard algebraic notation (or in-fix notation):

(1 + 2) * 3  < in-fix notation >

In RPN, this is expressed:

1 2 + 3  *  < post-fix notation >

The parentheses are used to avoid ambiguity over the order of operations (often taught as BODMAS in school).  For example, the first expression could be confused with the literal expression 1 + (2 * 3) which would give a different result.  Parentheses are not required in post-fix notation.  For example, 1 + ( 2 * 3 ) is expressed as:

1 2 3 * +
